Obituary for RANDY TRAYLOR
Randy Traylor passed May 25, 2015. Arrangements are now complete and are posted at this time.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. (in state)
World Changers Church International 2500 Burdette Road College Park, GA 30349
Monday, June 1, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Simons Missionary Baptist Church 591 Connally Street S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015 1:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. (in state)
World Changers Church International 2500 Burdette Road College Park, GA 30349
Monday, June 1, 2015 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
St. Simons Missionary Baptist Church 591 Connally Street S.E. Atlanta, GA 30315
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